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Aksi Mahasiswa Trisakti Berjalan Menuju Istana, Macet Total

Puluhan ribu mahasiswa Universitas Trisakti 'turun' ke jalan untuk aksi memperingati Tragedi 12 Mei 1998.

Bisnis.com , JAKARTA - Tens of thousands of students at Trisakti University 'down' to the streets to commemorate the tragedy of action May 12, 1998.

Barricades and chanted slogans kept students from the Hotel Indonesia roundabout towards the Presidential Palace, Jakarta (12/5/2014).

According to the observations of the action is still relatively peaceful and uneventful. However, sudden congestion occurs, because the students in action using the city bus that lowers thousands of students.

Passing vehicles, too choked up. Action led by the President of the Trisakti University students walking in unison towards the Presidential Palace, the action of the campaign.

Students from nine faculties come meet along Jalan Sudirman. Traffic will certainly choked up time can not be determined.

Cek Berita dan Artikel yang lain di Google News dan WA Channel

Penulis : Atiqa Hanum
Editor : Sepudin Zuhri
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